Tuesday 2 March 2010

A Diary of Becoming - Round Five - Feb 10

A whirlwind of a roundup this time.

We got a puppy! Yay. And instead of tempting fate and naming her chaos, we chose Lux. She's pretty well behaved, but puppies are puppies.

The Good Stuff

My touch typing has improved tremendously. Hooray for quicker blog posts and email replies.

Urban Creatures got started.

After sifting through every professional and quasi/semi/part time art organisation in Australia that I could find, I whittled them down to a quite shorter list of relevant and actually professional bodies that might be wise to join. It's incredible to me that some organisations charge membership which only gives a member the advantage of being in their database, which may be a good marketing strategy if the databases' search actually returned sensible results. Just my personal gripe.

So if you are an Australian artist, here is a great list of organisations to start with. These all have really useful information and working websites. I'm monitoring these to see which ones will be worth joining. I suspect NAVA is the one to definitely become a member of. The rest are good to follow.

National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA)
Artist Career
Regional Arts Victoria
Arts Hub
Craft Victoria
The Arts Law Centre of Australia
Australian Copyright Council
Australia Council for the Arts

Planning for the recipes. Ah the brainstorming that went on. So many questions that found answers and so many experiments to unleash. All in good time.

The Not So Good Stuff


So, The Get Done For March...

  • Test the chosen book printers. After having a really good scout around, it seems that the best way forward is to use a print on demand service, and then if there is enough demand, switch to a print and distribute service. Without actually trying out the print on demand services, it's impossible to know what their printing and paper quality is like, how reasonable their packing and shipping is and what the experience of their ordering and customer service is like. So it's a faceoff between Blurb, CreativeSpace and Lulu. Online reviews can only tell you so much.
  • Get this vegetarian seasonal art cookbook show on the road... more very, very soon.

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