Tuesday 4 May 2010

Diary of Becoming - Round Seven - April 2010

Two seconds To help me out...

I have a price point in mind but want to make sure it's in keeping with what my fans are thinking. When this point is cleared up, all the paintings will be made available to own.

How much would you be willing to pay for one of my 30 x 30cm cookbook original oil on canvas artworks?

Turbocharging moments of last month

In a moment of true serendipity, Google Adwords randomly sent me an offer by snail mail for free money. True. In the form of a voucher to be spent on advertising. Well hey, where do I sign? And so I got a neat little Adwords campaign together which brought a bunch of vege minded folks to my site who were actually looking for what I have and it cost me zilch. Brilliant. Thanks Google. Send me free money anytime.

While on this little roll I pulled my finger out and told every friend and contact I have about this project. Lots of positive feedback and passing it on. Thankyou to everyone I know! You all rock. And if you, yes YOU reading this now, if you are liking this project PASS IT ON if you haven't already. It really makes a difference.

I can tell from my stats that a bunch of new people are being reached just from these two steps.

Enthused with this success I updated my LinkedIn details at last and added the blog RSS feed to keep it current. Too early to see if that has any effect.

And then I went Facebook wrangling and won. Did you know that you can put your newsletter signup box on your fan page? I didn't. It's a bit fiddly, as I find all things FB to be. Basically, do a search in FB for 'Static FBML'. It's an application that can be added to your page. After adding, go to your page and choose edit page. Then find and edit the application and paste in the code for your newsletter signup. Let it add a tab and a box. Then choose link to this tab. That should make your signup appear in the sidebar of your wall. And then test, wrangle, test.

Speaking of wrangling, that reminds me of zen cart. The online shopping cart is even more functional than last month, but not quite complete. I keep plugging away at it and it gets ever closer. A somewhat larger task than I had initially thought. Still, once it's done it's done. And it is coming along rather well.

The final spark of april awesome was scouting and locating two ideal exhibition spaces. Both are high traffic main street locations. Both are funky in their own way. Neither have anything to do with traditional art galleries. One is definitely a very reasonable price, the other is likely to be the same. Lots of freedom to cook up a unique exhibition able to be seen by lots of people for low dollars. Me happy.

And a bit of sputtering
Test the chosen book printers. It's still a faceoff between Blurb, CreativeSpace and Lulu. Because we have a wee cash crunch going on. Which sucks. Which is being worked through. But which so far has gotten in the way of getting things done such as testing book printers and getting business cards.

See Two seconds To help me out... to help me solve this.

The list for May
Concoct and encourage the PR campaign Collective Merrymaking
Release the fully stocked Official Art Store
Paint, paint, paint!

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