Saturday 19 June 2010

Baked Apples

food painting for the vegetarian cookbook by Fiona Morgan
Satisfying. Easy. Homely. Warming.


Food painting artwork

30 x 30cm acrylic and pen on canvas. Inspired by illustrations of the children's book variety. A giant apple is the sole fruit of this apple tree. James and the Giant Peach?

By the way, all the food painting artwork is available to own in the Official Art Store.


The meatless meals recipe

More appley goodness.  This is unbelievably easy to do, especially if you are already using the oven to cook the main meal. And unlike most warming winter desserts which are high on fat and starch, it's pretty healthy being pretty much all fruit.
4 (cooking) apples
1 citrus fruit
1/2 cup dried fruit (sultanas/raisins/currants)
4 teaspoons honey
4 dobs butter (1 teaspoons total)
approx 1 cup water

Juice the citrus and soak the dried fruit in this, squeezing the juice through.
Grease a baking tray with sides or use a baking dish.
Core apples.  Score an equator around each one, just to break the skin so it doesn't burst (the skin contracts on cooking).  Place the apples on the tray.
Half stuff each apple firmly with the soaked fruit.  Put 1 teaspoon of honey in each and then complete stuffing them.  Top each with a dob of butter.
Tip any spare citrus juice into the tray and top up with water up to (max) 1/2 cm.  This creates a nice juice to serve with and prevents the apples from drying out.
Put in a 180 C/375F oven for 30 mins or until apples have started to brown.

Serves 4 with custard.


More vegetarian cookbook goodies

Need help with conversions? Download this handy dandy pdf of cooking conversion charts for every cooking measuring system I could find. It should make your life easier.

Want to check out more vegetarian dinner recipes? They're all in the Table of Contents.

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