Saturday 12 June 2010

Quick Vege Stock

food painting for the vegetarian cookbook by Fiona Morgan
Quick. Easy. Versatile. Homely.


Food painting artwork

30 x 24cm collage of cork, fabric, paper and pen. The inspiration for this was the patterns that are used in sewing. The connection for me is that this stock is the basis for so many dishes, just like a sewing pattern is the basis for so many garment creations. And also that this stock is so very versatile and adjustable depending on what you have in the fridge, just as a garment pattern can be nipped and tucked and adjusted for a personal fit.

By the way, all the food painting artwork is available to own in the Official Art Store.

The meatless meals recipe

Onion, carrot and celery are the base ingredients for a great homemade vegetable stock.

1/2 onion
1 carrot
1 1/2 sticks celery
6 black peppercorns
3 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons oil (don't use rubbish here, you'll taste it)
6-7 cups water

Roughly chop all veges.  A bit more or less of any of them is ok. 
Heat the oil in a pot.  Toss the veges and peppercorns in the heated oil until well coated.  
Put a lid on the pot and sweat the veges for 10 mins on a medium-low heat to bring out the flavour.
Add water and salt and simmer for 20 mins with the lid on.
There, done! Ready to use. 
You can strain it , puree it, or use it as is, depending on your preference.

Unsurprisingly, this makes 6-7 cups of stock.


More vegetarian cookbook goodies

Need help with conversions? Download this handy dandy pdf of cooking conversion charts for every cooking measuring system I could find. It should make your life easier.

Want to check out more vegetarian dinner recipes? They're all in the Table of Contents.

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