Tuesday 30 November 2010

Pumpkin Pasta Bake

food painting for the vegetarian cookbook by Fiona Morgan
Chunky. Satisfying. Creamy. Filling.


Food painting artwork

30 x 30cm oil on linen. This textural image of rolling creamy wintery hills is exactly the kind of landscape that is perfect for stuffing your belly with a warming carb-fest such as this dish. I love printmaking but often find myself wishing prints had a more textural element to them. You may detect a Japanese influence here. Think of this painting as a textural Japanesque print of winter hills.

By the way, all the food painting artwork is available to own in the Official Art Store.


The meatless meals recipe

Most pasta bakes that I've come across require you to cook all the ingredients and then bake them together in the sauce. I'm not a fan of this method. It's too fiddly for my liking, takes longer than it needs to and makes a mess of several pans. Surely it's possible to cook everything together in one go? After a flurry of experimentation, I can confirm that yes, it is indeed possible to make a wonderful pasta bake in one easy step:

400g penne or similar, uncooked
500g pumpkin, julienned
200g chard, finely sliced
1/2 cup or 55g slivered almond
3 cups stock
1/2 cup white wine
600ml cream or milk
1 cup mozzarella, grated
2 tablespoons flour
1/2 onion, chopped fine

Put all ingredients in a lidded oven dish and stir together well. 
Bake for 1 1/2 hours at 170 degrees C. 
Stir every 30 minutes.
Serve with parmesan cheese.

Fills 4.


More vegetarian cookbook goodies

Need help with conversions? Download this handy dandy pdf of cooking conversion charts for every cooking measuring system I could find. It should make your life easier.

Want to check out more vegetarian dinner recipes? They're all in the Table of Contents.

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