Monday 21 February 2011

Competition Flagbearer

Wine, food and painting go together rather well, even if I am a little biased. The Barossa Fine Art Exhibition is part of The Barossa Vintage Festival 2011. It is a painting competition/prize based in the famous Barossa valley wine region in South Australia.

The competition powers-that-be have a stated interest in the 'diversity of contemporary abstracts'. As you know, I have a tendency toward creating abstract paintings and I'm hoping one of my foodie inspired abstracts might be a better-than-crapshoot chance in this competition and catch the eye of the judges from this food and wine region. But which painting?

This is where you can help. I have a hunch which one to send in, but as this whole idea of entering art competitions is new to me, I would love some external opinions. Maybe you and the judges will agree!

So bearing in mind that there will be no information other than the title and artist name to accompany the painting (just like in the poll below), which of these works best captures the spirit of its title?

Two clicks. One on your vote, one to submit your choice. That's it! Along with a heartfelt thank you :)
I'll let you know which one ends up flying my flag.

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