Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Inner Dragons

"In contrast to European dragons that are considered evil, Chinese dragons traditionally symbolize potent and auspicious powers.... The Chinese dragon is also a symbol of power, strength, and good luck." (Thanks Wikipedia)

I've been reading Steven Pressfield's 'Do the Work' wherein he talks about Resistance - the Inner Dragon that constantly talks you out of doing anything that you've decided to do to make your life better. Behind the Inner Dragon is the treasure. ie what achieving your goal/s would bring. This little book very directly shows the characteristics of Resistance, the path of achievement, your allies and what you need to do to get your treasure.

Do the Work is  short and very good. It's available for free on Kindle at Amazon. The Kindle app for iPhone is also free. I don't think you have any excuses. You do? Stop listening to that dragon.

This Inner Dragon is evil. It is Resistance. That is the Western idea of the dragon. Manifestation of evil, blocking the hero (you) from riches. 

Another idea is put forward on Resistance. That which you resist the most, is the most important. The thing that you are most afraid of is the thing that would make the most difference. Resistance as a compass. Head to where there is the greatest fear. An Oriental dragon. Resistance the asian dragon pointing the way to potent and auspicious powers. A marker of the surest way to power, strength and good fortune.

It's the same inner landscape. Two useful points of view. Mythology at your service.

This original painting, "Mala Tofu" is currently available to own in the Official Art Store. Make it yours for $AU150.

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