Monday, 2 May 2011

Just One Trend

It's been a very long time coming and you have been very patient with waiting. It's wonderful to be able to say that all the original cookbook paintings created thus far are now available to own. That's all of the Autumn paintings and all of Winter. There is a wide variety of styles on offer and what's been really interesting is the wide variety in the ones which have sold so far. There is no discernable trend.

Actually, there is one trend. Everyone who has seen them has indicated that the current price of $AU135 is too low or a real bargain. Effectively the same thing. In trying to ensure that the paintings are accessible to as many people as possible, I fear I have underpriced my work. 

And so the prices shall be increasing. On May 9, just over a week away, all the cookbook originals will go UP in price to $AU150. You have until that date to grab an earlybird bargain.

Where are the paintings for sale? Why, in the Official Art Store. If you're wondering how paintings have sold before this announcement, newsletter subscribers get advance notice. Yellow box, top left.

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