Thursday 28 July 2011

Technical Articles for Artists

Technical Articles for Artists
Photo thanks to Seattle Municipal Archives
This page is the place where all my technically inclined articles on art and painting are archived. The topics range from details on painting materials, to the business of art, to specific art techniques.

As this blog has grown it has become more and more difficult to easily find these, which are published about once a month. This is a shame as these are often the most useful and popular posts. There is now a direct link to this page from all areas of my site, on the sidebar.

 As part of my continuous learning I go in-depth on a topic that interests me at the time and write up what I have learned. For me this is a way of consolidating the knowledge for myself, putting it in one place that I can refer to again in the future, and sharing my findings. I am quite particular and go to some lengths to get the information right, so I trust it will be of good use to more people than just myself. Each article also contains links to the most useful resources I have found during my investigations.

This post is part of an annual blog feature over at The Altered Page called 'Buried Treasure'. There you will find links to unearth the top posts on many art blogs.

Learn & enjoy and remember to check out my artworks on Flickr, and have an insider peek at my life as an artist on Facebook.

To use this page - First give the script that collects all the relevant posts a moment or two to load. It should be done by the time you get down to reading this sentence. If not, close your eyes, tap your heels together three times, and that should do the trick.
  • There is a short preview of each post when you hover the cursor over the title.
  • Titles are in alphabetical order, but you can click on the date column header, 'POST DATE', to sort in ascending or descending order.
  • Click on a specific label (not the column header) to display only the posts tagged with that label ie. art techniques
  • To go back to the full list, just click the column header, 'LABELS'.
If you want to do a plain search of this blog, use the Blogger search box which is at the very, very top of this page on the LHS, next to the B outlined in orange.



  1. Thank you Fiona!

    You did a great job putting this valuable information together. I found many interesting articles already. Will keep reading.

  2. That is awesome to hear. Thanks for letting me know.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to write all this down. Now that I know about it, I'll be back to take advantage of your knowledge!

  4. I really enjoyed this post. Although I have a separate page for my tutorials, I can see the advantage to the search and hover feature. This is a great article and I look forward to reading many more of them here.

  5. Sharmon - no problem. I write it all down so I can remember what I've found and find it again.

  6. Bleubeard and Elizabeth,

    I did think about making such a page as it would be visually neater, but this way I can have it update automatically (less work for me is good!) and be sortable/searchable even though it's uglier.

  7. Ooooh! I bookmarked THIS page! This is a great idea, and I intend to take advantage of your generosity!


Say what you like just keep it sane and polite. It's my blog and I'll delete if I want to.