Friday 23 March 2012

Eggs In Piquant Sauce

food painting of eggs in piquant sauce for the vegetarian cookbook by Fiona Morgan
Moreish. Satisfying. Easy. Unusual.


Food painting artwork

30 x 30cm oil on linen. A dancing pattern of eggs, capsicum, tomato and peas, with plenty of painterly texture which you should be able to see in the close up photos below.

food painting of eggs in piquant sauce for the vegetarian cookbook by Fiona Morgan

food painting of eggs in piquant sauce for the vegetarian cookbook by Fiona Morgan

food painting of eggs in piquant sauce for the vegetarian cookbook by Fiona Morgan

food painting of eggs in piquant sauce for the vegetarian cookbook by Fiona Morgan

food painting of eggs in piquant sauce for the vegetarian cookbook by Fiona Morgan

food painting of eggs in piquant sauce for the vegetarian cookbook by Fiona Morgan

Did you know you can download images of the paintings for your own personal (not commercial) use? Computer wallpaper, Facebook profile picture, yes you can. Find your favourite painting on Flickr, go to actions, view all sizes, download the size you want to your device, set it as your wallpaper or profile. And tell your friends where it came from :)

Original artwork can be purchased in the Official Art Store. This particular piece is currently drying and will be available shortly for $150. To find out exactly when that is, get on the mailing list, yellow box top left.


The meatless meals recipe

This meal is of Spanish origin, I believe. It's simple. It's tasty. And it celebrates eggs. I've been making this on and off for about 10 years, and every time I wonder why I left it so long since the last time. It's a subtle good one.

8 boiled eggs, halved or sliced
3 tablespoons oil or as needed
1 onion, chopped
2 capsicums, chopped
2 tablespoons plain flour
600g tomatoes, chopped or pureed (about 6 tomatoes)
1/2 cup wine
1 cup peas or a similar veg in pea sized pieces
4 pinches hot paprika
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
salt and pepper to taste

Pre boil the eggs then cut them up. I find cooking the eggs in with the rice/potato/pasta to save time and washing up.
Saute the onion and capsicum in oil until the capsicum is completely soft. This may take half an hour.
Stirring, add the flour slowly and then any extra oil as needed to soak up all the flour.
Cook this paste until it looses it's floury smell and gains a golden colour.
Add the tomatoes, wine and peas. Then add the paprika.
Simmer gently for 15 minutes. Add extra wine or stock if more liquid is needed.
Then add the eggs, garlic and half the parsley.
Simmer for another 5 minutes.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Serve topped with the remaining parsley on top of rice, potato, pasta or cous cous.

For 4.


More vegetarian cookbook goodies

Need help with cooking conversions? Download this handy dandy pdf of cooking conversion charts for every cooking measuring system I could find. It should make your life easier.

Where are the rest of the vegetarian dinner recipes? They're all in the Table of Contents.

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