Sunday, 16 September 2012

An ordinary market day

WhereFishSing at the September Bellingen community market 2012
WhereFishSing at the September Bellingen community market 2012

Yesterday was Bellingen community market day. It was a gorgeous sunny day and plenty of people were out and about. However unlike the previous market which coincided with the Bellingen Jazz Festival, this was an ordinary market day.

As it turns out, as far as art at markets goes, this seems to matter.

I have only done a small number of markets so far and it may be too early to make a definitive call on this, but so far there is a crystal clear demarcation between ordinary market days and festival or special market days.

So far, festival or special market days are ten times more successful than ordinary days.

Leading up to christmas I'll continue to test this theory, and after that I think I'll be applying it rigorously. After all, market stalls are a huge amount of effort. While fun, they leave me exhausted. They do have to be worthwhile doing.

Speaking of which, I have come to the decision that on market days it is too much to expect of myself to do a daily drawing. The day is a super early start, filled with dashing busyness and ends in a fog of exhaustion.

So no drawing from yesterday, but a photo of my stall at the market instead.

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