Tuesday 4 September 2012

Meditative Studies - a daily drawing project

Meditative studies of nature by Australian artist Fiona Morgan
Meditative Studies - all originals, no prints -  $20 including postage within Australia. First in, first served.
For those of you who follow along via my FB page, you will already have been introduced to the Meditative Studies. These are small (5x7") pen on paper drawings of pieces of nature - seeds, grasses, shells, leaves, feathers and the like.

I've enjoyed doing these. You have told me you love seeing them. So I am making them a daily feature. The plan is to post a study here on the blog done that day, every day, for the foreseeable future, except when the drawing is not worthy of being made public. The bad ones are burned. The good ones are made available for sale.

Each piece will be matted and ready to frame in an 8x10" mat. The price will include postage anywhere in Australia. Overseas postage will be at cost. If you sign up for my newsletter or fan my FB page you will be offered significant discounts. All pieces come with a Certificate of Authenticity so when I'm a famous artist you have proof you own an original. Speaking of which, these will all be one-off originals, not prints.

All sales will be made here from the blog. I may experiment with the method but this is the location from which the Meditative Studies will be available.

The above Meditative Study is available now for $AU20. Big discounts available for FB fans and newsletter subscribers - just let me know if you are. Email your postal details to fi at wherefishsing dot com and I will send payment details (Paypal or direct deposit). Nice and simple.

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