Thursday 13 September 2012

Meditative Studies day #10 - fresh eyes

A beachcombing haul for this Meditative Study by Australian artist Fiona Morgan

It is common knowledge that when stuck on a creative task, the best advice is to put it away for a time, not look at the problem, not think about it. Go away and do something else. Rest your eyes. Rest your brain. Many painters turn their in-progress works to the wall when not working on them and only look at the painting when ready to go again. Turning a semi complete image upsidedown is another take on this. The idea is to give yourself a chance to look with fresh eyes. Errors pop out when your brain has stopped being used to seeing them.

And so after posting last night that I'd done yet another drawing with which I wasn't quite happy, I wandered back past it and the tweaks I could make to it jumped out at me. Done.

Original seashells drawing 7x5" in an 8x10" mat. Ready to frame. Comes with certificate of authenticity. One only, $20, email for payment details.

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